Thursday, September 1, 2011

Crazy bout sugar

When I was a kid my mom made me eat my vegetables (yeah, they were NOT called veggies in those days).  I hated vegetables, probably cause all she did was boil them. Yuck!
By the time I was a teenager she had given up on getting me to eat right. I had discovered fast food.  If I didn't like the dinner she was making she would put a vitamin pill on my plate and not worry about it and I would hit Jack in the Box.
Around that time my blood sugar started acting up, only I didn't know it.  I would get up in the morning and hop in the shower before breakfast.  The hot water would sap all the energy out of me. By the time I was done I would wrap a towel around me, drag myself to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal, then literally lay down on the floor to eat it.  I felt like I was going to faint at any second.  Slowly I would feel better, then get up and get ready for school.  By break time I was starving so I would have a cinnamon roll.  My favorite lunch was a Hostess Berry Pie and Barbeque Chips.
I was in the marching band and we practiced marching every afternoon after school.  So often I would feel faint and have to sit on the curb with my head between my legs until I felt better.  This was 1977 to 1980.  No one suggested I see a doctor.
I got married a year after high school and my eating habits only got worse. I was still very skinny, at 110 lbs, living on protein and sugar and not much else. I was working as a receptionist. Around break time I would be starving so I would eat a candy bar.  Two hours later I would get a terrible headache....EVERY DAY!  The only thing that took away these headaches was 8 hours sleep.
And so the days, weeks, months went on, with me having a major headache every single day.  I went to 3 doctors who told me the headaches were from stress.  Finally, the 4th doctor asked me about my eating habits.  Then he suggested a blood test.
Finally, a diagnosis!
I have hypoglycemia.  Basically this means low blood sugar.  There are many symptoms that can wreak havoc on your daily life and even your health if it is not controlled.  Some of the symptoms, besides headaches, are shaking, weakness, confusion, sweating, nervousness, and feeling out of control if I go too long without eating or if I eat too much sugar.
After I was diagnosed I cut out sugar completely and started eating every two to three hours. My headaches disappeared completely.  After about a year I started experimenting to see if I could add sugar back into my diet.  I have a definite sweet tooth and I do not like living without my treats.  I found that, if I had a full meal, I could eat dessert without getting a headache.
So here I am, 30 years later and I still have trouble controlling my sweet tooth.  If someone brings cake, cookies or donuts into the breakroom at work I've sucked them down before I even have a chance to think about it.
This is my weakness.
I'm crazy bout sugar and sugar makes me crazy.  During my journey to fitness I will try to find substitutes that will satisfy my sweet tooth without wreaking havoc on my new and improved lifestyle.  Wish me luck!

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