Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All or Nothing?

I haven't exercised since...ummm...I was going to say Friday, but, did I workout on Friday or was it Thursday? Hmm, anyway, Saturday I woke up late, then had to work. Sunday is the Sabbath so I never workout on that day. Then Monday was the surgery date for my two-year old grandson, Brady.  I babysat his younger and older brothers, Josiah, 7 months, and Camron, 4-1/2.  I spent Monday night and Tuesday in the hospital with Brady.
So here it was, Wednesday, half way through another week, and I hadn't done a single thing to get my body moving in the right direction.  I was exhausted and allowed myself to sleep in until 7am.  I knew I had to meet my other daughter, Sam, and her two girls at 9am.
By the time I ate breakfast and cleaned the kitchen it was 8am. I thought, should I just sit around until it is time to leave? Or should I get my workout clothes on and start moving? There was not enough time to go to the gym.
The question: Does it have to be all or nothing?
I used to say "Yes". If I did not have time to get to the gym and have a full hour workout I would just skip it and tell myself I would do better next time.
Well, next time may never come.  There is always an excuse, a reason, a distraction that may keep me from getting my butt out of bed early enough to start my day at the gym.
In the past I have gone weeks, months, without working out because I had the All or Nothing attitude.
Now is the time for changes.  The change I made today is in my attitude.
Even though I only had a half hour before I had to get ready to leave, I put on my workout clothes, including my shoes.  I went out to the living room and just started marching in place. Then I did some jumping jacks.  Then pretended I was jumping rope. (I think I will buy a jump rope!)  Then I pretended I was hula hooping. (I think I'll buy myself a Hula Hoop!)
Before I knew it, 20 minutes had passed and my heart rate was up! Then  I picked up my 5 lb dumbbells and did a workout for my arms and shoulders.
I was sweating, and I felt good.
So, from now on it's not gonna be a question as to whether or not I will work out when time is limited.
I WILL do SOMETHING to move my body, 6 days a week.  No more excuses.
Nike got it right when they said JUST DO IT.  I hope they don't mind if I use that as my motto.

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