Monday, January 2, 2012

A new year, a new me

I am so happy that a new year is upon us. Like most people, I feel like I need to wait for a certain date on the calendar to start making changes.  I know that this does not make alot of sense, but it feels right.
I have been reading some very inspirational stories about women who have lost a ton of weight (ok, not a ton, but hundreds of pounds) and I figure if they can do it, so can I.
I'm way ahead of the game, considering I only have about 20 pounds to lose (but alot of flab to firm up :().
So I have made some New Years Resolutions.
The first one is that I will stop eating fast food for lunch.  Let's face it. Is there really any healthy fast food?
Whatever I bring from home, even leftovers from a not-so-healthy dinner is probably better than a burger, fries and a Pepsi.  I will also carry nuts or a nutrition bar in my purse so that I do not become ravenous before my next meal.
The next change I am making is to go to the gym in the morning and to walk/run in my neighborhood in the evening.  I think that these changes in my workout routine, along with healthier eating will jump start my metabolism and send those pesky pounds packing.
Watch out 2012.  Make way for a brand new me!

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