Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Laying a foundation

I see it's been almost 2 months since my latest update. No, that does not mean that I have not been working out. I have. It just means my life is crazy!
You would think that a woman with grown children and only a (very) part-time job would have more time on her hands. Nope. Not me.  I'm as busy as ever.  Mostly I have been providing the day-care of my 3 rambunctious grandsons while my daughter sewed about a hundred bibs, burp clothes and baby blankets for our on-line shop SWEET BABY SPRINKLES. 
I did, however, try to keep up with my workouts during this busy time and I will continue through the holiday season.
I think most people, when they get really busy, tend to put aside taking care of themselves, exercising, eating right and so forth.  That's what happens when you think of getting and staying fit as something you will do "if I have time".
The truth is that we should all think of healthy living as a necessary part of our lives, something that we cannot or should not do without.
I think of my morning workout as laying a foundation.  If I get up early and hit the gym and eat a healthy breakfast, I have laid the foundation for the rest of the day.  I am energized, happy, and I also feel much better about myself.  Whatever comes my way at work or home will be easier for me to handle when I have laid the foundation for my day.
If you consistently eat healthy meals, stay active and get enough sleep at night, you will have more energy to work and play. Even if you still have pounds to lose or you haven't yet fit into your favorite pair of jeans, keeping up on your workouts will provide you with a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself.
When you eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and protein, your body functions better, making you less likely to get sick.  Just think of how much better you feel after eating a healthy meal, and how much worse you feel after you've eaten fatty, or highly processed food. There's a reason they call it 'junk food'!
So, no matter how busy I am I will be sure to lay my foundation every day.

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